Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's been a while!

Wow. I can't believe it's been over a year.

I think it's time for a little bit of honesty. The reason I stopped blogging wasn't because I got super busy or picked up a new hobby. It was because I lost my job and was unemployed for over a month and was very sad. I didn't think anyone would want to hear about me crying three times a day because I was lonely and bored and scared about how I would pay my rent. It also would have been very depressing for me to sit down and type out everything that was not going well in my life.

It was a rough summer but I survived and learned a lot. School came and I had a wonderful final year and completely forgot about this blog. I have now graduated and am working in a job I really like and am overall very happy.

So what has inspired me to start up My Cry Blog again? Well I still cry. A lot. Often for funny reasons but sometimes for serious ones as well. I think sharing each of these can have a purpose. When I cry at a commercial or a cat video I've found it makes other people laugh. I am totally okay with this. When I cry because I've made a big mistake or something terrible and out of my control happens I want people to know that it's okay for them to do the same in their own life.

I never stopped telling people about times I've cried, it's just been a while since I've shared these stories on my blog. This is not a place for me to get pity or make people feel guilty. My main goal is to let people join me in laughing at myself a little and occasionally share a moment of vulnerability that hopefully helps us all relate to each other on a human level.

On to a few changes around here: Most of my posts will now be found on the Twitter handle @MyCryBlog. This will make it easier for me to update more frequently and also keep things short and sweet. I will still post here every so often when a story requires a bit more detail. I would also like to do a few posts recounting memorable times I've cried throughout my life. Anytime I post here I will also include the link in a tweet.

Finally, I'm going to try to be 100% honest about recording every time I cry no matter what the reason.

That's about it!

Thanks so much for sticking with me or joining me if you're new to My Cry Blog.

Cry once a day. It's good for you.

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